For today’s writing prompt, borrow a term from a job, discipline, hobby, or lifestyle (the more poetic the better, but anything might do) and apply it in a new context to the character who is foremost in your mind at present.
Here is just one example to get you thinking, but follow your own interests, knowledge base, hobbies, etc.: the formal term for the danger risked by scuba divers who ascend too quickly is nitrogen narcosis (interesting as a term itself) because nitrogen bubbles form in the bloodstream, which you have likely heard referenced as “the bends” in part of the reaction to the extreme joint pain, thus “bending” the sufferer in agony (more interesting), and sometimes, because of the alteration of consciousness that can also accompany nitrogen buildup, it is referred to as “rapture of the deep,” helping divers make bad decisions (a lyrical—if deadly—descriptive reference to the condition). There are probably any number of us who have had characters “get in too deep” by some action they have taken or decision they have made.